
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
46-Sam (Short Story) The Universe Just Says No
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Sam shares a story when he 1st did coke and then felt like the universe stopped him from "riding that train". His full pod, where there is a happy and wholesome ending, is out tomorrow. Follow him on twitter @pajamapantpoet

Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Robyn shares stories about an “Epic Road Trip” starting in Nashville and the social dynamics traveling with people can bring (5:24), being on Covid Lock Down in the U.K. and thoughts about the protests/looting/frontline workers (30:06), inspiration behind her podcast “Love and Other Drugs”, her infatuation with Southern men and their accents, a Mobile Alabama trip and a special night with Mike in a walk-in (1:02:48), a southern road trip with stops in Alabama, NOLA, and Austin and some Tinder adventures (1:35:50), Tinder Profiles Do Not's and Do’s when you’re trying to meet someone on a road trip along with her best worst 1st date with Dan from Tinder (2:07:57), “Best 1st For Last” 1st time she felt a panic attack and understood how to cope with her anxiety (2:52:17)

Sunday Jun 14, 2020
45-Robyn (Short Story) T-Shirt Trophy Hunting
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Robyn shares a short story about how an Alabama hook-up with a bartender started a bit of a t-shirt collecting hobby. Her full episode will be out tomorrow. You can also hear more of her traveling tales on her podcast "Love and Other Drugs".

Friday Jun 12, 2020
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Sandahl shares stories about teaching cosmetology including tips on how to tell if and handle a customer that is dissatisfied with their service (4:52), pageantry experiences leading to her wanting to start a non-profit (The Hair Cut Project) to serve those in need based on her being homeless and the victim of domestic violence (40:16), being evicted at 17 and the life choices that came along with that including the events that led to being a victim of domestic violence (1:03:34), her “Knight in Shining Camo” coming into the club, getting bottle service, and supporting her interests including getting into pageantry in order to put a spotlight on causes she believes in (1:30:05), the 1st night, and subsequent Myrtle Beach Vacation, that led to her “Knight in Shining Camo” becoming her husband (2:13:37), “Best 1st for Last” when she realized love conquers all (2:30:11)

Friday Jun 12, 2020
44-Sandahl (Short Story) Overcoming
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Sandahl shares stories from her past where she was the victim of domestic abuse from her son's father while being a teen mother.

Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Dan shares stories about Hawaiian living and being a marine biologist (4:20), growing up as a “weird” kid in upstate New York and how his homosexuality has become normalized (33:47), going to Mexico to be on Naked and Afraid where he and Holly survived the brutal cold and how he rose his PSR rating (55:35), serving the Peace Corps in Nicaragua where he taught kids who played jokes with scorpions, saved a dog in heat from aggressive potential mates, went drunken cow riding, and had a pretend girlfriend (1:31:52), “Best 1st For Last” being dropped of on Tern Island and dealing with 15 pound birds (2:02:55)

Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
43-Dan (Short Story) Wild Times with the Peace Corps in Nicaragua
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Dan shares stories about serving with the Peace Corps in Nicaragua where he taught kids who played jokes with scorpions, saved a dog in heat from aggressive potential mates, went drunken cow riding, and had a pretend girlfriend.

Sunday Jun 07, 2020
39-Cliff: Action Plan for System Reform
Sunday Jun 07, 2020
Sunday Jun 07, 2020
Cliff shares knowledge on how to turn protests into progress by talking about the roll the home plays in developing beliefs as well as the good ol’ boy system’s influence in government positions (5:10), the two tentacles into system reform: a change in philosophy and legislative change to enforce the change in philosophy including the examination of police unions escaping accountability, revoking certification from dismissed officers (23:30), amending the Officers’ Bill of Rights, and how training officers are selected (42:02), the need for diversity in law enforcement to match the demographics of the population and a recap of action steps (1:06:32)

Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Juwan shares stories about his educational experiences from being referred for special educational services as an elementary student, to being a college basketball player and now obtaining his doctorate degree ( 5:10), being a college basketball player and the importance of grades (#cribuniversity), how not being eligible affects options, and what college coaches look for in a recruit (38:29), Choosing his daughter over a semi-pro career, enrolling in grad classes at Del State, the influences of African-Americans and sports on his educational and professional progression (1:12:55), how he got into counseling from being a para-educator, to overcoming his auditory processing issue, and now staring his podcast “Full Court Press” (1:49:03), “BEST 1st For Last” 1st time entering the Doctoral Program and doubting his worth, just to realize he belongs (2:13:27)

Thursday Jun 04, 2020
42-Juwan (Short Story) Paraprofessional to Professional Counselor
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
In this excerpt from Juwan's full Getting2knowUpod, Juwan shares the motivation and story behind his choice to move on from being a para-professional in the school system to a professional counselor.