
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Gillian shares stories about marketing herself digitally, online poker playing, the data advantages it brings, and what it’s like to be a woman in a poker playing man’s world (3:44), streaming on Twitch, taking advantage of amateurs and their tells, the moral dilemmas of taking amateurs money, the social isolation that can come because of gender differences at the table (43:17), going to India to learn Astanga Yoga and discovering her poker playing talent, traveling the world, poker movie mishaps (1:24:30), volunteer moderators on Twitch, monetizing digital content, having a stalker thanks to her streaming (1:46:41), “Best 1st For Last” 1st time she got into competitive speed walking and how she lost the Canadian Championship (2:23:00)

Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
60-Gillian (Short Story) A Young, Blonde Girl Traveling Alone in India
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Gillian shares a short story about traveling to India to learn Astanga Yoga and discovering her ability to make money playing poker, which leads to her traveling the world… and being groped.
Her full pod will be out tomorrow, so be sure to subscribe to the Getting 2 Know U Pod so you don’t miss it.
You can check out Gillian’s website www.gillianepp.com to get to know more about her.

Monday Aug 03, 2020
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Taryn shares stories about…. tarot card reading virtually for donations, how she got into reading, and the folk lore that can come with your deck of tarot cards (3:38), why she doesn’t read cards for herself often, going through a divorce because of a wake up call that the life she wanted to build wasn’t the life she was living and action plans to change the potential future (39:47), meeting an ex high school classmate through tinder while living back home with her mom and ending up in Durham, NC where she got into circus training (1:08:12) “Best 1st For Last” 1st time she felt she really made it as a Tarot Reader at a renaissance fair with just 15 minutes to tell fortunes (1:49:45)
Follow the Getting 2 Know U Pod on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook
Help the Getting 2 Know U Pod upgrade our recording and sound equipment through our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/getting2knowupod

Sunday Aug 02, 2020
59-Taryn (Short Story) Living a Lifetime Movie
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Tayrn shares about her move to upstate New York where she married a church going man, felt unfulfilled with the life she was leading, packed up her car with everything she owned and left.
Her full pod will be out tomorrow, but today enjoy a “Short Story”
Also check out Taryn’s website https://www.tarotattaryns.com/ and get up with her for a reading!

Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Kris shares stories about validating paranormal claims with their first investigation at West Virginia Penitentiary and theories as to why spirits remain earth bound including them being stuck, comfortable, and wanting to tell a story (3:26), why spirits can’t chat, the use of a Spirit Box at Ma Barker’s house, spirit’s energy being limited for communication, her grand daddy speaking to her in a dream, and her family’s reaction to her starting a paranormal investigative business (44:18), dealing with demonic or heavy spirits in places like Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum and the Exchange Hotel, (1:36:47) “Best 1st For Last” (2:16:18) 1st Investigation into the Ma Barker Home which was the site of the 1935 shoot out between the FBI and the Barker/Karpis Gang
To see more scientific explorations with the Soul Sisters Paranormal, check out their youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfRN9bYQ412yL_ysN2n6seA

Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
58-Kris (Short Story) I Don’t Consider Them Demons
Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
Kris shares a “Short Story” about when she investigated the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in West Virginia for paranormal spirits and had a flash light get turned on, a K2 meter react, and a ballon moved. Let your mind do the rest.
Her full pod will be out tomorrow. Subscribe to the Getting 2 Know U Pod so you don't miss it.
You can also check out more of her paranormal investigations on the Soul Sisters Paranormal youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfRN9bYQ412yL_ysN2n6seA

Monday Jul 27, 2020
Monday Jul 27, 2020
Antonio shares stories about… coming across a mama bear during a hike in Montana and how using LSD has eliminated his drinking (3:42), celebrating the completion of his Audio Book “Finding the God Spark” with an acid trip and taking 2 and a half hits of acid on a hiking trip off trail in Colorado to spread his mothers ashes and winds up morphing into a beast, stripping naked, rock climbing, and spending the night (33:27), a little background and history on LSD, taking a trip to Peru to drink ayahuasca to in search of the meaning of his life, drinking at high altitudes, and what happened to him after his mother passed away (1:03:57) “Best 1st For Last” 1st time getting laid where he lost his virginity in a KFC parking lot to a stripper (1:56:53).

Sunday Jul 26, 2020
57- Antonio (Short Story) Best Trip EVER!!!!
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Antonio shares a story about taking 2 and a half hits of acid on a off trail hiking trip in Colorado to spread his mothers ashes and winds up morphing into a beast, stripping naked, rock climbing, and spending the night in the forrest.
His full episode will be out tomorrow so be sure to subscribe to the pod so you don’t miss it.
You can also check out his audio book on Spotify “Finding the God Spark”

Friday Jul 24, 2020
37-Laura Lea "Behind the Music" of Her Self Titled Album
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Laura Lea shares stories behind what inspired songs on her album LauraLea: “Chemical Whore” about the relationship with her sister and being jealous of attention gotten by other b/c of the chemicals they use (9:17), “In the Storm about her childhood cousin dying or a drug overdose (32:09), “Still Alive” a song written to her aunt and uncle about their son’s death (43:06), “Cheers”, written when she was 17, inspired by Beatle Bailey being a drunk and was actually sponsored by Bud Lite (1:05:12), “Gone” when she was feeling sorry for her self because she felt she missed out on chances and opportunities (1:17:07), “Personally” where she encountered guys that caught feelings for her, but she kept them in the friend zone (1:40:38), “Kelly Left” a song her dad wrote the lyrics to about her sister’s roommate (1:55:50), “Nothing” about an abusive relationship that led to a miscarriage (1:58:57), “360” a bunch of non-sense words dealing with crushes she had on her friends in grade school (2:03:31)

Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Jonesy shares stories about Craigslist purchases, wokeness and cancel culture, and political/societal perspectives (3:32), school not being so good to him, getting into comedy by traveling to NYC, competitive softball leagues and his baseball dreams (41:20), being in a cover band then getting into comedy by watching his friend at an open mic and LA’s comedy scene along with an ingenious idea to get stage time (1:09:06) “Best 1st for Last” (1:50:21) 1st time karaoking for prize money and walking away with 500 dollars.
Be sure to check out his podcast "weirdAFnews" on all podcast platforms or at https://www.weirdafnews.com/