
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
70-I.G. Burton: Republican Candidate for Sussex County Council District 3
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
I.G. Burton shares stories about what the county councils does, the fact that the primary is actually the general election for District 3’s seat, the council emphasizing safety in the county with state troopers and EMS, and fire companies (4:22), comprehensive land use plan guiding land use or rezoning decisions, supporting quality of life over quantity of lots, the council purchasing farm land to preserve open space, and the Lewes-Georgetown bike trail (46:21), difference between him focusing on quality and his opponent focusing on quantity with land use, his idea for a Transportation Improvement District to help builders know costs of land development and land owners to get the agreed upon sale price (1:09:21), the challenges of expanding broad band internet access to rural areas of Sussex County, sewer being a big expense to the county and it’s importance for development and growth, having policies for businesses to get to market quickly (1:37:14), “Best 1st for Last” learning the importance of being a quality over quantity person (2:16:42)
For more information about I.G. Burton you can go to his website IG4D3.com or email him at ig@ig944.com

Saturday Aug 08, 2020
69-Lauren Witzke Republican Candidate for US Senate (Delaware)
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Lauren Witzke shares stories about campaigning during COVID, American college graduates losing jobs to H1-B speciality workers, and her trip to the souther boarder (3:57), dealing with the opioid crisis in America by securing the boarder and with long term residential facilities, Teen Challenges impact on her life and as a transitional program for inmates, benefits of legalizing marijuana (28:43), her past being used against her by opponents, issues with Medicare for all, importance of restoring the nuclear families, and her “Best 1st for Last” 1st time giving her life to God and giving God the glory (50:49)
For more information about Lauren Witzke you can go to her website https://laurenwitzke.com/
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Help the Getting 2 Know U Pod upgrade our recording and sound equipment through our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/getting2knowupod

Saturday Aug 08, 2020
68-Hunter Hastings: Democratic Candidate for Sussex County Council District 1
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Hunter Hastings shares stories about what the mission of County Councils, how he’d like to help organic business growth in Sussex County, using federal grants to bring drug and medical treatment to Sussex, and how to take advantage of county owned property (4:03), encouraging westward commercial development, historical preservation, how he’s always been independent in his heart and why he changed his party affiliation (40:53), concerns with county council’s 20-21 budget including how money is spent, how money is brought in, and how money is allocated (1:02:08) “Best 1st For Last” 1st time he proposed to his wife (1:36:20)
For more information about Hunter Hastings you can go to his website phone 302-219-0318 www.electhastings.com

Saturday Aug 08, 2020
67-Julianne Murray: GOP Endorsed Candidate for Governor of Delaware
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Julianne Murray shares stories about what it’s been like running for Governor, becoming a lawyer later in life, arguing before Delaware’s Supreme Court about Arrest Authority (3:56), getting into criminal defense and the perspectives it gave her, contesting the Governor’s State of Emergency in court, public health restrictions, the use of new cases % compared to hospitalizations % or death % as a bench mark for lifting restrictions (46:27), ENERGY being the acronym for her campaign platforms and adding an L for Law and Order, supporting the good cops with better training and government support, Delaware’s lack of growth and predicted recession because of the “big three” corporate taxes, high cost of energy, and regulations, education attracting businesses to the state but not getting a great return on the amount of money spent by the state, school administrators growing but the amount of teachers haven’t (1:26:11), getting into neighborhoods to talk to people and restoring the republic by getting the government in touch with the people by helping them to be self sufficient and providing security, and being transparent with legislation (2:23:04) “Best 1st For Last” 1st time she presented oral arguments in front of Delaware’s Supreme Court (2:49:44)
For more information about Julianne Murray you can go to her website https://murrayfordelaware.com/

Saturday Aug 08, 2020
66-Jessica Scarane: Democratic Candidate for US Senate (Delaware)
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Jessica Scarane shares stories about why she’s running for United State Senate and not local office in Delaware, universal health care policies and beliefs (3:25), how her previous jobs and joining the board of a non-profit helped shape her views on how a lack of economic stability can affect families, 4 and a half million dollars being given to Amazon from Delaware’s Small Business Fund instead of that money going to a school district in need, factors that grow the divide between the haves and have nots, minimum wage vs livable wage jobs and salaries (39:12) “Best 1st For Last” 1st time she visited the Grand Canyon and went hiking (1:00:14)
For more information about Jessica Scarane you can go to her website https://www.jessfordelaware.com/
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Help the Getting 2 Know U Pod upgrade our recording and sound equipment through our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/getting2knowupod

Saturday Aug 08, 2020
65-Matthew Morris: Republican Candidate for US House of Representatives (Delaware)
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Matthew Morris shares stories about his sales management experiences translating to politics, his Claymont mentality leading to legal issues, and being incarcerated for 2 years, battling suicidal thoughts before going to prison and then changing his mentality advantage of time he would spend in jail (3:34), rehab and detox centers being a target point of his platform, why he’s not running for a local position in government, supporting founding father’s statues remaining in displayed, defunding the police by following the Camden, NJ model, and how disagreeing on social media can cause people to get fired from their jobs (50:00), what went down at the GOP nomination Convention, his values coming from his family, not a party, needed prison and judicial system reforms (1:58:49), getting votes while being not a typical Republican, his business and sales background being an advantage to working with others, running for office to serve people gives him purpose (2:38:30) “Best 1st For Last” the 1st time he had run out the back door to avoid being discovered by his boyfriend’s roommate but is discovered by the neighbors (3:21:58)
For more information about Matthew Morris you can go to his website https://www.matthewmorrisfordelaware.com/

Saturday Aug 08, 2020
64-Donyale Hall: GOP Endorsed Candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Delaware
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Donyale Hall shares stories about her family, equitable education for all students including access to technology and internet, accountability for students during virtual learning, closing the achievement gap of students with different Socio Economic Status and the importance of students having access to trades for career readiness (3:30), the need for accountability in budgeting, importance of measurable outcomes, supporting small businesses, why she wants to be Lieutenant Governor because that position presides over the board of pardons to help people become productive members of society, legalizing marajuanian (1:03:58), Covid’s affect on Delaware’s economy/budget, science based decision making, fair housing, helping people in public housing to unearth helpful programs, teaching wealth management to students, the police department having a training issue (1:47:00) “Best 1st For Last” 1st time being pregnant and having that biological connection to her daughter helped her to evolve as a person (2:31:49)
For more information about Donyale Hall go to her website https://donyalefordelaware.com/ or give her a call at (302) 399- 8838

Saturday Aug 08, 2020
63-Kathy DeMatteis: Independent Party Endorsed Candidate for Governor of Delaware
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Kathy DeMatteis shares stories about the Independent Party’s platform, Delaware’s lack of GDP growth and the need for accountability in budgeting, school district reform including county wide districting, parental choice, and options for schooling during Covid (3:00), business ideas to increase GDP in Delaware like bringing GM to Dover, legalizing cannabis for multiple uses, minimum wage jobs, self empowerment in the job place, and the health benefits of cannabis (1:08:37), her plans for her 1st days in office including prison reform, mental health, affordable housing, and helping Delaware’s homeless (2:14:32) “Best 1st For Last” 1st time breaking her leg in 3rd grade by falling off a merry-go-round and being rescued by a stranger (3:06:45)
For more information about Kathy DeMatteis go to her website https://dematteis4governor.com/

Saturday Aug 08, 2020
62-Dave Bosco: Republican Candidate for Governor of Delaware
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Dave Bosco shares stories about the financial commitment in running for Governor, his reluctance to rely on donations, owing a repo business in Wilmington, the moral dilemmas that came with it, and how Covid’s impact on small business inspired him to run for Governor (3:05), pro business ideas, government restricting freedoms during Covid, thoughts on the educational system (55:54), why relatability to people of Delaware is important to him, needs of fire fighter companies, importance of increasing police training, (2:02:43) why he asked to not be endorsed by the GOP, legalizing cannabis, and making contract tracing 100% voluntary (2:30:56) “Best 1st for Last” 1st time having fun dealing with the public when he transition from taking from people to dealing with people (3:11:17)
For more information about Dave Bosco, you can go to his website https://www.boscoforgovernor.com/

Saturday Aug 08, 2020
61-Trent and the Trainwreck “Behind the Music” of Their Original Songs
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Trent and the Trainwreck share stories about how the band got its name, how they got together, and their process for producing original music (3:28), hopes/goals for their original music, COVID’s impact on playing their music, and virtual concerts (33:37), story behind “Middle Finger and Taillights (1:05:00), “Snow Angels in June” (1:18:37), “Sunflowers” (1:43:14), and their “Best 1st for Last” involving stopping a live show for a broken string, falling of stage while playing Rage Against the Machine, nailing a song in 1 take (2:10:07)
Hear their new songs by searching for them on Spotify or any streaming platform.
For booking, contact 717-368-2250 or trentandthetrainwreck@gmail.com
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