
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
76-Terrique (Short Story) Either You Want it or You Don’t
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Terrique shares a story about how he wishes he would have taken the SAT’s more seriously, running a 4:42 at the National Combine and winning a state championship at Woodbridge opening up college football opportunities until he got into a situation his senior year.
Terrique's full episode will be out tomorrow, so subscribe to the Getting 2 Know U Pod to not miss it.
You can friend/follow Terrique on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/terrique.riddick and/or Instagram https://www.instagram.com/2.riddickulus/
Follow the Getting 2 Know U Pod on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook
Help the Getting 2 Know U Pod upgrade our recording and sound equipment through our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/getting2knowupod

Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Eric shares stories about COVID home hair cuts and clothing choices, youth pastors being stylish, virtual preaching and the affects of the shutdown on people’s identity (3:34), being frustrated the spiritual manipulation he was seeing in the church at 17, denominational fences that get built (25:06), determining goals for a church and the science behind branding a church to become successful, battling getting too big of a congregation and burn-out (53:14), dealing with his wounds to be a better pastor and to not pass them on, his family’s influence on his life, how he got back to the church after walking away for a couple years (1:38:11) “Best 1st for Last” 1st time leaving school early to record a CD of Christian Music at 16 (2:15:28).
To know more about Eric check out his facebook page Facebook.com/feralchristian
and/or website https://theferalchristian.com/

Thursday Aug 27, 2020
75-Eric (Short Story) Seeing Behind the Curtain
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Eric shares a “Short Story” about his days in a youth group performing at different church gatherings where he became aware of the spiritual manipulation that can occur in churches.
His full episode will be out tomorrow, so be sure to subscribe to the Getting 2 Know U Pod today.
To know more about Eric check out his facebook page Facebook.com/feralchristian and/or website https://theferalchristian.com/

Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
YV shares stories about the potential pitfalls he’s trying to avoid by posting on the internet anonymously, what people can control vs what they should control, growing up in the age of addictive entertainment (3:27), partaking in Bid-Week for a frat and quickly realizing frats aren’t for him (37:44), his 1st “Best 1st for Last” 1st time being a line cook and what he learned about life by working in restaurants (1:07:03), ENCORE getting into trading and entrepreneurship, creating a twitter bot @finnaeverything, his coding skills and desire for technological knowledge, stock trading philosophies (1:28:40), interest in sports betting, wrestling in H.S., competing in Super Smash Bros Melee tournaments, chess playing and strategy (2:35:54), his 2nd “Best 1st for Last” 1st time almost getting pyramid schemed in Forex Markets while at a skate park (3:25:37)
You can also check out YV on http://twitter.com/yvtweets or on https://medium.com/@yvtakesrisks

Sunday Aug 23, 2020
74-YV (Short Story) I Also Play Fighting Games
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
YV shares a “Short Story” about playing Super Smash Bros Melee competitively and the environment at tournaments including an older guy with his mom cheering.
YV’s full pod will be out tomorrow, so be sure to subscribe to the Getting 2 Know U Pod today to not miss it!
You can also check out YV on twitter @yvtweets or a couple of his articles https://medium.com/@yvtakesrisks

Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Menna shares stories about Dosy Bike’s mission, why empowering women to be more independent is needed in the Egypt (3:20), being a journalist in the middle east and cover women’s rights, the work place harassment women can face, the job market and public education in Egypt (26:09), working with start-up’s inspiring her to start her own business, women’s safety as delivery drivers, training women in the region, the difficulties in affording scooters, how Dosy is helping with that, benefits in reducing pollution in Egypt with scooter riding, and how Dosy is hoping to expand it’s influence (52:54)
For more information about Menna and Dosy Bikes check out their instagram https://www.instagram.com/dosybikes/

Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
73-Menna (Short Story) Starting a Start-Up
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Menna shares a short story about being inspired to start Dosy Bikes because of her previous experiences with start-ups and the societal restraints women face in Egypt.
Her full pod will be up tomorrow, so be sure to subscribe to the Getting 2 Know U Pod to not miss it.
For more information about Menna and Dosy Bikes check out their instagram https://www.instagram.com/dosybikes/

Monday Aug 17, 2020
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Maarten share stories about COVID life living in the Netherlands, inspiration behind Turtle Social, why a turtle was chosen for a logo (4:07), how he got into teaching, importance of athletics and sport clubs (37:33), world traveling that lead to meeting his wife, sabbatical travels in Australia leading to pondering the meaning of life, which he has created interactive art exhibits to contemplate and explore (1:05:01), exploring his insecurities and curiosities as a youth, , New Zealand being the favorite place he’s been, hitch hiking tales from New Zealand (1:42:56), “Best 1st for Last” taking a philosophy class while majoring as a physical education teacher t(2:01:13)
You can learn more about Maarten’s project on instagram @turtle.social

Sunday Aug 16, 2020
72-Maarten (Short Story) What Art Can Reveal About Life
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Maarteen shares a story about how he created an interactive art experience to help people understand how to get the most opportunities out of life by interacting with an hour glass and creating the Stairs of Life.
His full pod will be released tomorrow, but today, listen to a “Short Story”
Also, be sure to check out his instagram @turtle.social to learn more about the Mental Health app he was speaking about.

Saturday Aug 08, 2020
71-Dave Graham: Republican Candidate for Governor of Delaware
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Dave Graham shares stories about his life and involvement in Delaware politics, why the Republican Party has destroyed the 2 party system in Delaware, throw away candidates, and why Delaware should be thought of as a city (4:11), why having P.A.L.M.S. is so important for a Gubernatorial Candidate, his Delaware roots throughout the state, Delaware’s need for an Inspector General, working as a merit employee for Delaware, and Dems micromanaging philosophy (33:09), his desire to make people working for the state of Delaware enjoy their jobs, educational thoughts and empowering teachers to make decisions, supporting police, some legislators running out the clock looking for a pension and not looking to make a difference (1:05:03), the importance of opening up family court in Delaware to lower the cost for the people of Delaware, need for accountability during budgeting (1:34:04), the need for prison reform because the correction is not occurring, legalization of pot, the pitfalls of casinos in Delaware (2:03:37), surveying teachers to eliminate busy work, his “Best 1st for Last” where an employee using his brain didn’t work out the best for this business, the importance of this Primary on September 15th, and why his website isn’t active yet (2:25:27)
For more information about Dave Graham you can go to his facebook page. Just search Dave Graham