
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Payge shares stories about feeling unsure on stage, how she got into music, trying to gain exposure and making money from her music, her process for composing/writing music (3:37), why Justin Bieber is AWESOME, preferring music over lyrics, separating Michael Jackson’s music from his actions, striving to be an original musician and interviewee (35:20), not liking to play 50 questions with people, teachers envying her free sprit, choral group drama (1:11:46), her experience on the voice, being challenged to stretch her range, staying true to who she is as an artist and her, “Best 1st for Last” trying shrooms and getting answers to many questions (1:29:50)
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Monday May 31, 2021
Monday May 31, 2021
Ash shares stories about organizing comedy shows in Australia, organic brand building, his 1st show at 19, deciding to commit to comedy and his creative process of joke writing (4:22), getting stage time at house parties, dealing with hecklers, comedic influences, (36:56), thoughts on Bigfoot’s existence, religious beliefs, information being manipulated through search engines (1:25:37), being marketed to b/c of technology, not liking the cult mentality of corporations, and his “Best 1st for Last” skipping school for his to lose his virginity at 16 and almost getting caught by his Dad (2:05:48)
Get 2 Know more about Ash:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZqEq6L4oCZMmw3BCmIfpFA
IG: @ashchapmantv
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Thursday May 27, 2021
Thursday May 27, 2021
Dr. Jeff shares sasquatch stories about determining average height, eating habits and food availability, Sasquatch Scat (4:02), meat eating evidence, aggressive behaviors, possible discovery of a homesite, hair having no medulla (36:53), tracking seasonal movement and repeat appearances, Bigfoot Field Research Organization certified curators validating footprints, why there has not been a Sasquatch body found (1:06:23), determining life expectancy, the term “Missing Link” being a misnomer, cognitive function and expression (1:43:26), Patterson and Gimlin video evidence, why he believes the film is real, testicales proving a lack of male competition, finding footprints and evidence of baby footprints (2:18:30)
Get 2 Know more about Dr. Jeff and his research:
The Relict Hominoid Inquiry
IG: @donjefferymeldrum
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Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Pete shares stories about MMA fighting and Jiu Jitsu, sacrificing to be a next level fighter, social media affecting pay days, and the importance of rolling the right way (3:28), the difference in women’s mentality when fighting, growing up playing various sports, dealing with injuries, daddy daughter relationships, opening the gym and debating expansion (40:00) importance of reputation within Jiu Jitsu, what to look for when picking a gym, black belt promotion, and his “Best 1st for Last” 1st Motorcycle Ride at 5 where he broke his arm and punched a doctor (1:25:39)
Get 2 Know More about Pete:
IG and Facebook: @ptccombatfitness
IG and Facebook: @petesniderbjj
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Help the Getting 2 Know U Pod upgrade our recording and sound equipment through our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/getting2knowupod

Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Ravi shares stories about good reads, being inspired by WWII heroes and ideals, carbon capture ideas, picking Northwestern (3:46), regrets about his college picking process, desires to work for Tesla, running prediction models inspired by the 2016 Olympics, intellectual property rights (44:57), Elon vs Bezos and satellite internet, personal freedoms, traditional news feeds, defending truthful ideas on social media (1:32:20), exploring conscience, ethics and batman’s story arc, movies being gospels, scientific beefing on twitter, and his “Best 1st for Last” Proving the derivative of SIN and COS without much help in 11th grade (2:21:45)
Get to Know more about Ravi:
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Tuesday May 18, 2021
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Jennifer shares stories about her fondness for Caroline Kepnes, Reporting on Dennis Rodman for her 1st newspaper job, working for Entertainment Weekly in the early 2000’s (4:00), hoping to get asked out by celebrities like Toby Maguire & Justin Theroux, writing process for Seinfeldia and When Women Invented Television, being influenced by hanging around Celebrities (44:58), traveling adventures while working for Entertainment Weekly, internet's effect on reporting and magazines, benefits of freelance reporting for her book writing, and her “Best 1st for Last” 1st time learning the entire choreography to Britney Spears Baby 1 More Time (1:18:35).
Get 2 Know More about Jennifer:
website: https://jenniferkarmstrong.com/
When Women Invented Television: https://bookshop.org/books/when-women-invented-television-the-untold-story-of-the-female-powerhouses-who-pioneered-the-way-we-watch-today/9780062973306
Seinfeldia: https://bookshop.org/books/seinfeldia-how-a-show-about-nothing-changed-everything/9781476756110
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Thursday May 13, 2021
Thursday May 13, 2021
Comedian Rob J shares stories about how quarantine killed his life and comedic routines, comedy being based in truths (3:25), enlisting with in the Military to get to bigger cities for comedic purposes, open mics at a Nigerian Restaurant, writing bits and engaging audiences (43:02), limits of internet comedy b/c of the lack of human interaction, just in case famous editing of social media, and his “Best 1st for Last” Losing his virginity at 26 b/c of an experience with a grenade (1:36:58)
Get 2 Know more about Comedian Rob J:
IG: @Robjthoughts
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Wednesday May 12, 2021
Wednesday May 12, 2021
Evan shares stories about his MMA and Combat Sambo career, going from being bullied to being the bully, focusing on getting better at fighting not impressing others (3:39) getting his Black Belt in Jiu Jitsu, learning lessons from running a trail marathon, balancing corporate interests with restaurant worker’s wants, (37:19), career goals of working for himself and helping the youth, training police to have more confidence in their physical and mental states, the affects of Stoicism on his life (1:15:27), valuing time, beliefs of what happens when people die, dating a Jehovah's witness, family members dealing with drug addition, finding fulfillment in his life (1:53:54), what it feels like to get TKO’d and have a testicle severed, getting back into fighting with more disciple, and his “Best 1st for Last” his Wedding Day (2:27:11)
Get 2 More about Evan by checking out:
IG: @thefightfortomorrow
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Saturday May 08, 2021
97: Janis Hanwell Candidate for Cape Henlopen School Board’s At Large Seat
Saturday May 08, 2021
Saturday May 08, 2021
Janis shares stories about her teaching and administrative background, how school finance works in Delaware for special education and teacher units, the operations referendum, early intervention and utilizing teacher units (3:41), hiring administrators and empowering them, experience with negotiating teacher contracts, time requirements of being a school board member (39:24), being on the Delaware School Board Association, challenges for schools to reopen, plan A for school in the Fall of 2021 (1:05:49), House Bill 198, its impact on Cape curriculum and professional development for teachers, closing achievement gaps {which are now referred to as opportunity gaps} by targeting specific cells and skills while challenging proficient students (1:31:28), closing statement and the importance of this election (2:06:14)
Get 2 Know more about Janis by checking out:
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Saturday May 08, 2021
96-Ashley Murray Candidate for Cape Henlopen School Board’s At Large Seat
Saturday May 08, 2021
Saturday May 08, 2021
Ashley shares stories about growing up in the Cape region, her children’s experience in the Cape District, Critical Race Theory and House Bill 198 (3:14), focusing tax dollars on students not administration, priorities for a budget, grouping students by skill not age (46:10), grading and retention policies, increasing student accountability, climate surveys to check in on student’s home life, questioning if diversity can be added into all curriculums and classes (1:25:52), the main points of her platform being: putting children 1st, reopening schools,100% transparency, opting out of non-academic materials, and mental health in schools (2:07:32)
To Get 2 Know more about Ashly Murray’s campaign check out:
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